Enter Cashflow Transactions

On the Create Cashflow page, you can enter your cashflow funds information. You can also view the parameters selected for your cashflow. To edit your previously selected cashflow parameters, click the Edit Parameters link.

Edit Parameters

The currencies that you selected are displayed as tabs at the top of the cashflow table (in the order of your selection). For example, if you first selected EUR and then USD, the EUR tab will be displayed before the USD tab in all subsequent reports. Under each currency tab, the current exchange rateClosed The rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another currency. for that currency against the base currencyClosed Usually refers to the domestic or home currency. In a currency pair, this is the first currency quoted. is displayed. You can either proceed with the system spot rate or you can enter your preferred budget rate. To enter your budget rate, click Edit next to the Exchange Rate field.

Enter transactions

Cashflow tables are displayed on this page based on the selected input format.

After you enter all the information in the tables, click SAVE & CONTINUE to review the entered information.

Important: Your inputs are not auto-saved by the system. It is highly recommended to save your data periodically to prevent loss of your work.

Proceed to the section Review Summary.

Note: Client represents and warrants that they are only inputting data they have the right to process. Client acknowledges that they are solely responsible for the quality, reliability, and accuracy of all data they enter, as well as any reports generated from that data.