Risk Visualizer FAQ
Note: This page contains a compilation of frequently asked questions (FAQ) for . Please view the help guide topics for a detailed walkthrough of each section.
Cashflow History
Q. Can I create multiple cashflows?
A. Yes, you can create multiple cashflows based on how you manage your business cycles.
allows you to customize your cashflow parameters. It is recommended to align the parameters with your business cycles. For example, if your business forecasts incoming and outgoing cashflows three months in advance, then it is advised to consider creating a cashflow in every three months.Q. Can I edit my previously saved cashflows?
A. Yes, you can edit your previously saved cashflows. Locate your cashflow on the
table and from the column menu select .Q. Can I view the Risk Exposure Summary of my previously saved cashflows?
A. Yes, you can view the risk exposure analysis that was calculated when you saved it. On the Cashflow Title link or in the column, click the button on the left and select or you can quickly view the exposure summary by clicking the
button on the right. This option to view the is available for completed cashflows only.
Q. Why is the Edit Action menu greyed out for my cashflows?
A. The
Q. Why is the Exposure Summary Action menu option greyed out for my cashflows?
A.This means that your cashflow is incomplete.To complete your cashflow, open the cashflow and click
. The system will update the .Q. Some of my cashflows are labeled Out of Date. What does that mean?
cashflows are previously saved cashflows, where the horizon of these cashflows (the overall duration of the forecasted transactions) is in the past. This label is used to identify cashflows that are no longer active or may not have new transactions flowing into them.Q. Some of my cashflows are labeled Incomplete. What does that mean?
A. This means that you have not clicked the
button on the page. To complete your cashflow, open the cashflow and click . The system will update the and update the cashflow status to .For more information, see Cashflow History.
Create Cashflow - Define Parameters
Q. What is Input Format?
A. Input Format is the method to enter your cashflow information.
supports two input formats:-
: Record your incoming and outgoing transactions in two separate tables.
: Record the net amount from your incoming and outgoing transactions in a single table instead of entering them separately.
Q. What is Frequency?
is your preferred method to input the cashflow transactions, either or . This selection depends on how you currently record your cashflow.Q. What is Horizon?
is the length of time for your cashflow. gives you the option to specify a cashflow horizon between 1-12 months for frequency, and between 4-12 weeks for frequency.Q. What is the Start Date/Month of a Cashflow? What is the allowed range both in the past and future to enter my Start Date/Month?
A. one month prior to the current date, and as far as one year ahead of the current date.
(if the cashflow has a weekly frequency), or (if the cashflow has a monthly frequency) is when your cashflow will start. You can enter the start date/month up toQ. I cannot view my currencies on the list. Where can I find it?
A. Our system currently supports 11 most traded foreign currencies. We are actively working on including more currencies to this list. Please contact your account representative if a currency is not available at this time and is required. The current list of foreign currencies supported are CAD, USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, SGD, JPY, CHF, NZD, MXN, and SEK.
Q. Why is the CREATE CASHFLOW button greyed out?
A. This means the mandatory parameters are not populated.Please verify if you have entered information in the following mandatory parameters to enable the
Cashflow name
Cashflow Input Format
Starting Date/Month
For more information, see Create Cashflow.
Enter Cashflow Transactions
Q. Where can I view the currencies that I selected in the cashflow parameters?
A. The currencies that you selected are displayed as tabs at the top of the cashflow table (in the order of your selection). Each currency will correspond to its own cashflow table. For more information see Enter Cashflow Transactions.
Q. There is a conversion rate shown under the currency tabs and above the cashflow table. Is that a live rate?
A. No, the rate is not updated live. The rate displayed is the Spot Rate for that currency against your Base Currency
. It is retrieved when you create the cashflow and will remain constant throughout as you edit your cashflow information.
Q. How does the conversion rate benefit me?
A. The conversion rate will be used for the
analysis. The and the pages will display the total value of the entered currencies in your base currency to help you evaluate your cashflow information.Q. How can I use our budget rate instead of the system-generated spot rate?
A. To add your budget rate in place of the spot rate, click the Edit Exchange Rate.
link located next to the field and enter your preferred budget rate. For more information, seeQ. What data should I enter in the cashflow table?
A. Information for the cashflow table would be dependent on the
: In this format, two tables are displayed - , where you can enter future incoming transactions in the selected foreign currency tab, and , where you can enter future outgoing transactions in the selected foreign currency tab.
: In this format, there is only one table displayed , that contains one row. In this row, you can enter the net value of your cashflow transactions in the selected foreign currency tab.
Q. I cannot add more rows in the Cash Inflows and Cash Outflows table. What is the maximum row limit?
A. In the Q. What are the recommended best practices to enter cashflow information?.
input format, you can currently add a maximum of 25 rows in a cashflow table. To make optimal use of the rows to enter information, seeQ. What are the recommended best practices to enter cashflow information?
A. In the
tables, you can currently add a maximum of 25 rows. To address this limitation, we recommend the following when entering cash flow transactions in the and tables:-
Group transactions with similar categories and enter a subtotal amount (for example, Sales proceeds, Staff salaries, etc..)
Group transactions based on geographic locations and enter a subtotal amount (for example, Sales BC, Sales AB, Sales ON, etc..)
Q. Can I edit data that I have entered in a cashflow table?
A. Yes, you can edit the information entered in your cashflow tables. Click once in the data fields to enter information or double-click to edit.
Q. What are Non-Corpay Hedges?
A. Corpay will use your entered cashflow transactions and compare them with your existing hedges (hedges entered with Corpay and vendors outside of Corpay). It is recommended to add the hedges booked outside of Corpay, to increase the accuracy of the risk analysis and gain a more comprehensive view of your FX risk exposure.
are hedges booked outsideQ. What if I do not have hedges booked outside Corpay or if I do not enter hedges booked outside Corpay?
A. You can continue entering your cashflow information. If you do not enter your existing hedging information, this data will not be considered in your FX risk exposure analysis.
Q. In the event of losing connection, will my previous inputs be automatically saved on the Cashflow Transactions page?
A. No, your inputs are not auto-saved by the system. Your inputs are saved when you click
. It is highly recommended to save your data periodically to prevent loss of your work.For more information, see Enter Cashflow Transactions.
Review Summary
Q. Can I review the summary for one currency at a time?
A. Yes, you can. The
page displays by default. To switch to an individual currency view, click the toggle at the top right of the page above the table.Q .What is Hedge Ratio %?
is the ideal percentage of your cashflow that you would like to protect through the booking of hedging products. For example, if you set this number to 60%, that means you would like to cover 60% of your current cashflow need with hedges while leaving the remaining 40% exposed to market fluctuations.Q. How is the Hedge Ratio % determined?
A. By default, the hedge ratio is set to 60%.
Q. Can I edit my Hedge Ratios?
A. Yes, you can edit the hedge ratio percentage in the table.
Q. What if I don’t have a Hedge Ratio to add?
A.We recommend using the default hedge ratio of 60% to avoid exposing your cashflow to FX risk.
Q. What if I don’t want to add a Hedge Ratio?
A. By default, the hedge ratio is set to 60%. This field cannot be left blank.
Q. What if I add a Hedge Ratio as zero?
A. If you choose not to hedge your cash flow, our system will not recommend any hedging actions. We strongly advise against exposing your cashflow to currency fluctuations.
Q. I am on the Review Summary page. Why do I see zeros in one of my currencies?
A. When setting up your cashflow, it is possible that you may have added multiple foreign currencies but overlooked adding transactions to the other currency tabs on the cashflow transactions page. Click the Enter Cashflow Transactions.
button to review the currency tabs and enter any missed cashflow transactions. For more information, seeQ. Can I edit one of my currencies/cashflow?
A. Click the Enter Cashflow Transactions.
button to edit your inputs on the cashflow transactions page. Changing data on the cashflow transactions page will impact the calculations displayed on the page. Therefore, it is advised to carefully review the summary. For more information, seeQ. In the event of losing connection, will my previous inputs be automatically saved on the Review Summary page?
A. Before you proceed to the Enter Cashflow Transactions have been successfully saved in our database. Your is saved when you click on the page.
page, your inputs from theQ. When is my cashflow marked as complete?
A. Your cashflow is saved and marked as complete when you click
on the page.For more information, see Review Summary.
Risk Exposure Summary
Q. Can I view my risk exposure one currency at a time?
A. Yes, you can. By default, the View Exposure Summary by Currency.
page displays a that will include all the foreign currencies you selected in your cashflow. If you want to view the one currency at a time, click the dropdown and select the currency. For more information, seeQ. Can I switch between my saved cashflows for data comparison?
A. Yes, you can. To switch between cashflows, click the Select Cashflow.
dropdown and choose any of your saved cashflows for data comparisons, or to make edits and regenerate recommendations as needed. For more information, seeQ.What is TO BE HEDGED?
A. This row contains the amount of ideal hedges you would like to place in each period, based on your
and your chosen .Q. How do I view my overall cashflow exposure before hedging?
A. The
section displays the overall exposure of your cashflow prior to any hedging being placed.Q. Can I change my Hedge Ratios to view the new exposure calculation?
A. Yes, you can edit your
on the page. Click to modify the percentage. Changing this percentage will impact the calculations displayed on the page, generating new recommendations. Therefore, it is advised to carefully review the analysis.Q. What is included in the CORPAY HEDGES section?
A. This section contains the hedges that you have booked with Corpay. Currently, this list only includes and any you have booked on those . In future releases, we may also include the that you have booked.
Q. Can I edit the Non-Corpay Hedges?
A. You cannot edit the Enter Cashflow Transactions.
on the page. You can edit the values on the cashflow transactions page. Locate your cashflow on the table and from the column menu select . For more information, seeQ. Why can't I view my Options on the Risk Exposure Summary page?
A. Our current release does not support displaying
in the analysis. This feature may be included in our future releases.Q. Where can I view my second currency exposure?
A. In
, the Risk Exposure Summary will contain an analysis of all of your foreign currencies in the cashflow. If you want to view the one currency at a time, click the dropdown and select the currency.Q. Can I change the exchange rate for one of my currency pairs and view the new exposure?
A. No. You cannot edit the exchange rates on the Enter Cashflow Transactions.
page. You can edit the exchange rate on the cashflow transactions page. Locate your cashflow on the table and from the column menu select . For more information, seeQ. Can I export or print the Risk Exposure analysis?
A. Yes, you can export your analysis to CSV format from either the Cashflow History page or from the Risk Exposure Summary page. Locate your cashflow on the table and from the column menu select . On the page, click the icons at the top of the page to print the summary as or export the results to a file. Note:The option to print to PDF is only available for .
For more information, see Risk Exposure Summary.
Corpay Hedges
Q. What are Corpay Hedges?
A. Corpay.
are the forward contracts that your organization currently has available withQ. I cannot view some of my hedges on the Corpay Hedges page. How do I resolve this issue?
A. The hedges you cannot view on the Corpay Hedges page may fall under these categories:
Expired Hedges
Incomplete Hedges
Hedges that expire outside the horizon of the cashflow
Q. Can I export the data in the Corpay Hedges table?
A. Our current release does not support this feature. This feature may be included in our future releases.
For more information, see Corpay Hedges.