Bank Details

If you used the BANK SEARCH or IBAN VALIDATOR tools, most of the fields on this page are already populated with the bank's details. You can also manually complete the fields in this section.

  1. On the Bank Account Information page, click BANK DETAILS to display the bank address and account fields.
    • Account Number—Enter the beneficiary's bank account number.
    • SWIFT BIC Code—Enter the SWIFT BIC (Business Identifier Code) code. Every financial institution has a unique BIC code that is essential when transferring money between banks.
    • Routing Code—Enter the bank's routing code. The routing code identifies the financial institution and the branch to which a payment item is directed.
      Note: In some countries, the routing code might be know by another name, such as ABA Number, Transit Number, Sort Code, BSB Number, IFSC Code, or Branch Code.
    • Name of Beneficiary's Bank—Enter the name of the bank.
    • Bank Country—This field is auto-populated based on the selection you made when you completed the Beneficiary Details page. To change the bank country, select a country from the dropdown list.
    • Address Line 1—Enter the bank's street address.
    • Address Line 2—Optionally, enter a second line of the bank's address.
    • City—Type the name of the city or choose it from the dropdown list. When you start typing the name of the city, a dropdown list appears that includes many of the cities in the specified country that contain that sequence of letters. If the city that you want is in that list, click to select it.
    • State/Province—From the dropdown list, choose the state or province where the bank is located. The list that you see depends on what is in the Country field. This field is mandatory when the Country is Canada or United States.
    • Postal Code/Zip—Enter the bank's postal code or zip code. This field is mandatory when the Country is Canada or United States.
  2. When you're satisfied that all the information in the BANK DETAILS section is correct, click SAVE & CONTINUE to continue to the next step in the process.