Entering additional beneficiary information
On the
page, you can enter email addresses that will be notified whenever a payment is released.Depending on the country where the beneficiary's bank is located and the currency that you are sending, you may need to supply some additional information to satisfy regulatory requirements. If that is the case, you will see the required regulatory fields displayed on the
page.Note: Mandatory fields are indicated by an asterisk (*).
To enter additional beneficiary information
- If you chose Beneficiary Details page), you will see a section on this page called From the dropdown list, choose how you want to send drafts to the beneficiary. The available delivery methods are or . as a method of payment (on the
- In the section, click to put a check in the box beside if you want an email alert to be sent to the specified email address whenever a payment is released. If you enter more than one email address, the email will be sent to all the addresses.
- In the field, enter the email address that you want to be notified when a payment is released. This field is optional, but becomes mandatory if you put a check in the box. To enter more than one address, click , and enter another email address.
- If the beneficiary's country and currency require additional information for regulatory reasons, you will see a section on this page called . The names of the fields that you see in this section depend on the country and currency.
- Optionally, in the section, attach any related files. You can attach files in any of the following formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .txt, .png, .bmp, .jpeg, and .jpg.
There are two ways to attach a file:- Locate the file, and then drag the file into the section.
- Click anywhere in the
- If you attached a file, you can add an identifier and comments to the file. Click on the attachment icon, complete the and fields, and then click . The information you enter will be displayed when you mouse over the file in the section.
- In the section, enter the email address that you want to receive various types of alerts. Click to add more than one address in either category.
- In the field, enter the email addresses of the individuals in the company that you want to receive an email alert when a payment is released.
- In the field, enter the email addresses of the individuals outside the company that you want to receive an email alert when a payment is released.
- In the FFC Tom Roe 000304756. field, enter the name and account number of the recipient who will receive the funds. For example,
- Click to put a check in box at the bottom of the page to confirm that the information you entered is authentic, accurate, and authorized.
- Click
If your account configuration requires you to authenticate via when creating or editing a beneficiary, when you click , you will be prompted to select one of the authentication methods you set up. For more information on Multi-Factor Authentication, see Multi-Factor Authentication
to save the beneficiary details.