Rejecting individual payments in a file

As an approver, you can reject individual payments in a file before you approve the rest of the file.

To reject payments in a file

  1. On Your Dashboard, under ACTION ITEMS, click Payment file(s) awaiting approval.
    The Payment Files Awaiting Approval window appears with a list of the payment files that must be approved before they can be processed.
  2. Click the payment file you want to view.
    The file opens on the File Overview page.
  3. Click Reject Individual Payments at the top of the Pending Approval grid.

    Reject individual payments

    Click the X beside each of the payments you want to reject.
    The X is highlighted in red.

    Select Individual Payments to Reject
  4. In the Reason For Rejection field, enter an explanation why you are rejecting the selected payments.
  5. Click CONFIRM.
    On the File Overview page, the rejected payments are listed in a table called REJECTED PAYMENTS. The reason for rejection is displayed beside the table heading. The number of rejected payments is also displayed beside the Reject Individual Payments link.

    Rejected Payments
  6. Click APPROVAL ALL to approve the rest of the payments in the file.

    Approve All button

    The Payments Approved window appears.

    Payment Approved Proceed to Book
    If you have permission to book payments, you will see the option PROCEED TO BOOK PAYMENTS.

    For more information, see Booking uploaded payments.

    Note: If you rejected all the payments in the file, when you click PROCEED TO BOOK PAYMENTS, you will be taken back to the Upload Center page.