Upload Center

The Upload Center page displays a list of the files that have been uploaded.

Upload Center grid

The list displays information about the files that were uploaded, including the total number of items in each file and how many of those items were successfully uploaded.

  • FILE—The name of the uploaded file.
  • UPLOAD DATE—The date and time that the file was uploaded.
  • UPLOADED BY—The username of the person who uploaded the file.
  • FILE TYPE—The template type that was selected.
  • ITEMS IN FILE—The number of items in the uploaded file. If the file is a payment file, this is the number of payments. If the uploaded file is a beneficiary file, this is the number of beneficiaries.
  • ACCEPTED—The number of items in the uploaded file were successfully uploaded.
    Note: This is the number of items that were uploaded, not necessarily the number of items that are complete.
  • STATUS—The current state of the file.

Upload file statuses

In the grid on the Upload Center page, the STATUS column shows the current state of each uploaded file. The possible statuses are:

Status Explanation
All information complete

File has been successfully uploaded. All information is complete, and there are no beneficiary issues.

  • If this is a payment file, you can click the filename or this icon to view and then book the payments.
  • If this is a beneficiary file , no further action is required.
File Booked icon


File has been successfully uploaded, and all payments with complete, valid information have been booked.

Click the filename or the icon to see the payment and settlement summaries, and to view the order receipt.

Missing information

File has been successfully uploaded, but some items have incorrect or incomplete beneficiary information. These issues can be corrected. Click the filename or the icon to view and correct the outstanding issues.

  • If this is a payment file, after you correct the beneficiary issues, you can book the payments.
  • If this is a beneficiary file, once the issues are fixed, the status changes to a check.

For information on fixing issues, see Fixing issues in an uploaded payment file.

Wrench with Booked text

File has been successfully uploaded, and those payments with complete, valid information have been booked.

Some of the uploaded items have incorrect or incomplete beneficiary information. Click the filename or the icon to view and correct the outstanding issues. After you correct the beneficiary issues, those payments will be processed automatically.

File pending approval icon

At least one of the items in the uploaded file requires approval. When even one payment in the file requires approval, the whole file must be approved before the payments can be processed.

Rejected icon

All the payments in the file are invalid due to issues that cannot be fixed in the Upload Center. You will need to fix the issues in the original file and upload it again.

Click the filename or the icon to view details about the issues.

Incompatible file icon


Incompatible file. There is a problem with the file, and it cannot be processed.

You will see this status if the file format you uploaded does not match the template type that you chose.

Rejected icon

Payment file has been rejected by an approver.

File Queued icon

This file is waiting for another file to finish uploading.