You can use the Upload feature to quickly upload large amounts of payment and beneficiary data, and to import payments from your ERP without having to enter the information manually.
File Upload
The files you upload can be CSV, XML, or any other text-based file formats.
There are two types of file that you can upload: Beneficiary files and Payment files. A Payment file can contain information that creates or updates beneficiaries, but a Beneficiary file cannot contain payment information.
- files are used to upload new beneficiaries and to update existing beneficiaries.
- files are used to upload multiple payments. Payments files can deliver a large volume of payments to multiple countries and currencies. Payment files can also be used to create or update the beneficiaries to whom the payments will be sent.
Important: If you are using to connect and send funds to payees, you can use the feature to upload multiple payments to your payees; however, you must use a template that contains payment information only. You cannot use the feature to create payees or edit payee data.
Import from ERP
You can import bills and invoices that need to be paid directly from ERP.
The following ERPs are supported:
Sage Intacct
Note: This feature imports payments only. Beneficiaries must be uploaded ahead of time.
For more information, see Importing bills from Sage Intacct.